Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Relective Paper on Counselling in Social Work essays

Relective Paper on Counselling in Social Work essays Social work values call for everyone, regardless of their beliefs, practices, or backgrounds, to be treated with dignity, given equal access to societal institutions, opportunities and resources, and supported in contributing their unique talents to their families, communities and country. (Sevel, Cummins, and Madrigal, 1999, pg. 11) I agree with this statement whole heatedly because I have always believed that all people are unique and should be treated with dignity and respect. I had a difficult time identifying what would be Shiela's value issues, and after much thought cannot identify any. My values are to treat client with respect and dignity regardless of my personal feelings. Sheila was an easy client to work with and there were no value conflicts for me. However I know there will be issues for me in the future that will challenge me and my values and I will need to be always on the lookout for why I may have difficulty working with someone. It will probably be because of a value conflict. -need for a computer for school was the issue she identified as being important for -frustration with family, friends, problem with conflict and being able to establish needs are what I identified as issues for Sheila even though she did not come to the interview with these being something she needed to explore. Prepatory empathy involves trying to imagine, on the basis of what limited information you posses, what the client may be thinking, feeling, and doing. (Cournoyer, 1991, pg. 95) I thought about what issue would be presented to me by Sheila at our interview and worried that I would not know what to respond, or that I would not be a helping person for her. I imagined how she must have been feeling about this exercise, as I myself was nervous about talking to her about my own issue. The contracting process follows integrally from the assessment and yields clearly identified problems, specific goals f...